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*Agricultural Engineer Uses Moringa and Qurbani to Help the Poor in Balochistan*

Sibi, Balochistan, Pakistan - Agricultural engineer Haroon Rasdid luni has been working in the agriculture industry for over 20 years. In 1998, he started a goat and cattle farm in Sibi. After years of success in the livestock industry, Haroon Rashid luni decided to start a new venture in 2019 moringa farming.

Moringa is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to South Asia. It is known for its many health benefits, including its high nutritional content and its ability to boost the immune system. Haroon Rashid Luni was drawn to moringa because he saw the potential for it to help the poor in Balochistan.

"Moringa is a very versatile plant," said Haroon Rashid luni. "It can be used for food and medicine. I believe that moringa has the potential to help the poor in Balochistan by providing them with a sustainable source of food and income."

Haroon Rashid luni started his moringa farm with just a few trees. Today, he has over 1,00000 trees. He sells the leaves of his moringa trees online. He also donates moringa products to the poor in Balochistan.

In addition to his moringa farm, Haroon Rashid Luni also started a qurbani online program in 2021. Qurbani is the Islamic practice of sacrificing an animal, such as a goat or cow, on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. Haroon Rashid Luni's qurbani online program allows Muslims from all over the world to donate their qurbani to the poor in Balochistan.

"I believe that it is important to help the poor in Balochistan," said Haroon Rashid Luni. "Qurbani is a great way to do that. It is a way for Muslims to show their compassion and generosity to those who are less fortunate."

Haroon Rashid Luni is a true humanitarian. He is using his skills and knowledge to help the poor in Balochistan. He is an inspiration to us all.

Haroon ur Rashid Luni

Agricultural Engineer

CEO Ugao Green

CEO Qurbani.shop



YouTube Channel


Field Manager.

The field manager for the qurbani venture was responsible for purchasing animals, coordinating the sacrifices, and distributing the meat to the poor. He was a dedicated and compassionate individual who worked hard to ensure that the qurbani was carried out in a way that was both meaningful and helpful to those in need.